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Invest in Unlocking People's Potential 

Dollar Bill in Jar


Your contributions go directly to creating jobs, providing scholarships, expanding business talent, improving schools, and more.


Small or Large  |  One-time or Recurring  |  Planned Giving  |  Stock Gifts  |  Corp Contributions

Each gift is appreciated.


Your time and talents are valuable - sharing a bit of yourself with INCIGHT will impact people with barriers. From serving at our Fairs to mentoring college students. Every minute can change a life for years to come. Request more info below!

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People wearing Volunteer shirts wit hands in the middle of the group
Shaking hands with business professionals standing in the background


You can direct your corporate gifts to any charity. As a business, you want donations to support causes you believe in and which produce a return for the greater community. Tell us about it!


INCIGHT services are all about people with barriers taking the next big step in becoming contributing members of society.

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FRED MEYER Community Rewards Program

This program makes supporting INCIGHT easy based on the shopping you do every day. Once you link your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to INCIGHT, all you have to do is shop at Fred Meyer and swipe your Shopper’s Card (or type in your phone number). 



Follow the link to support INCIGHT by shopping at Fred Meyer  today!


hand holding Car Keys

Your gift can come in many shapes and sizes.

Stocks & Bonds  |  Vehicle Donation  |  Auction Items

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INCIGHT is a 501c(3)
P.O. Box 82056, Portland, OR 97282  |  971-244-0305


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